
How Many Calories In A 1/2 Cup Of Rice

A cup of white rice has about 200 calories—not insignificant, considering information technology'due south most often used every bit a pocket-size office of a larger dish. But there's an easy, natural style to make rice less caloric: add a piddling fat, then let it cool. Co-ordinate to research presented at the American Chemical Society's national meeting, using coconut oil and a refrigerator can slash calories by as much as 60%.

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Rice is made up of digestible starch and a special type of carbohydrate called resistant starch, which recent research suggests may exist key for weight control. Humans don't take the enzymes to digest resistant starch, so it isn't transformed into saccharide and captivated quickly in the bloodstream like digestible starch. Instead, it bypasses the small intestine and is metabolized in the colon, where it'due south fermented into brusque-concatenation fat acids that feed healthy colonies of gut bacteria. The more resistant starch a nutrient has, the fewer calories from that starch our bodies will blot. Resistant starch is plentiful in foods similar legumes, beans, whole grains, uncooked potatoes and unripe bananas.

Researchers from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka wanted to effigy out if they could convert some of rice's digestible starch into the non-digestible type, and thereby go far less caloric. By testing out 38 different kinds of rice and simulating human digestion in a test tube, they devised a recipe for the least caloric way to cook rice: drop a teaspoon of coconut oil into boiling h2o, so add half a cup of non-fortified white rice and cook it for virtually xl minutes. After cooking, stick information technology in the fridge for 12 hours.

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Rice cooked this style had at least x times the resistant starch as normally prepared rice and 10-xv% fewer calories. But researchers think that with certain kinds of rice, the method could cut calories by 50-60%.

Hither's how it works: the glucose units in hot cooked rice have a loose structure, but when it cools downwards, the molecules rearrange themselves into very tight bonds that are more resistant to digestion, says Pushaparaja Thavarajah, PhD, who supervised the study. Scientists already know that it works in potatoes, but in the new study, researchers thought that adding a fat similar coconut oil could add together actress protection. It seemed to. The fatty molecule wedges its manner into the rice, Thavarajah says, and provides a barrier confronting quick digestion.

Making rice starch more resistant has other perks as well cut calories. It'll also feed your good bacteria. "The resistant starch is a very good substrate, or energy source, for the leaner inside the human gut," says Thavarajah.

All-time of all, the researchers plant that reheating the rice didn't change the levels of resistant starch—so the calorie hack is condom for leftovers, too.

Read next: 4 Means to Eat More than and Nevertheless Lose Weight

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How Many Calories In A 1/2 Cup Of Rice,


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